Call it 'Chevlovsky effect' or whatever..I will now have the third shot of today. The mystical chemical reaction had already begun and it has started cleansing the tawdry marks in my soul. Reality is something that has to be quarantined. It is the sickest thing on earth. It kills the fantasies and walks over the cadaver of the illusions. I push reality to the corner with this chemical elixir.. but it pounces back at me with vengence. Reality is the greatest nemesis of mankind.
The light have now changed their note. It is a shriller now. I hate this.. It kills the ambience. Who on earth invented the sodium vapour lamp.?
I am an antagonist to my own beliefs. Its a pleasing thing to oppose someone and its more pleasing to oppose your own reality. Try it out folks!
Let me have the fourth shot of the day.
Directors cut: This is supposed to be the first scene in my film. It is jus one frame where a fetid young man with beard gawks at a sodium vapour lamp on the roadside. He is doped as mentioned. Just a lesson in writing screenplay. I should convey the thoughts of that person through some camera angles. Let me try.
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